Hi, I'm a retired accountant who loves to write, read, travel, watch movies and play tennis not to mention a whole host of other activities. My only problem is that there are just not enough hours in the week to do them all, but I like to try anyway! Needless to say, some of them fall from my schedule from time to time, but one thing remains constant: writing. In 2011 I launched myself into the world of self-publishing, with all its joys and frustrations. I knew it would not be easy, and it isn't, but the challenge has been one I certainly would not have wanted to miss. And it's by no means over yet!
You never know where or when you are going to get the next idea for a novel (or at least, I don't), but I firmly believe a curiosity for life and new experiences is essential in providing inspiration for novels even if in the most oblique way. There are already lots of blogs about the writing process out there so, while I may occasionally join the conversation, my main focus will be on the activities which help provide fodder for my writing. And I'd love to hear your views too! Find me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelParishAuthor
I am stopping by as part of the IU Block Party. Hope you are having a great weekend.